The Winter Wonderland (which has been running since 1995) was a resounding success, with in excess of 200 happy and mesmerized sick children attending, we were delighted we could make it a day to remember.
Unfortunately one group had to cancel and it gave us the opportunity to slot in Conor and extended family for an amazing Christmas Party, which was sponsored this year by Dunnes Stores.
All the children and adults were entertained by Santa and Elves to a stage show, this is something we intend to incorporate each year into the Winter Wonderland.
Everybody has the amazing Rebecca Daly and Family (See photos below) to thank for raising the funding of €5,000 to cover the basic running cost of the Winter Wonderland.
You may remember we did a special for Rebecca’s 14th birthday -
The fantastic staff of Asystec who raised even more money to cover presents, decorations, accommodation, entertainment, food etc etc. -
Well done to everybody for making it the best Winter Wonderland ever.
A special word of thanks to the owners of the venue (Mount Druid) - Adrian and Deirdre Murphy.
We would like to say thank you to the following:
O’Donoghues Bakery
Myevent. ie
Pallas foods
Carroll’s Meats
Musgrave's Cash & Carry
Fergal Barton of Barton’s Coaches -
Anyone one else we've failed to mention
We do hope all that attended had a good experience and we would like to hear from you about how your child, family found the event.
Comment on Facebook or email [email protected]
Next Year’s event has already been organised for 11th, 12th and 13th December 2015
Thanks from the children of The Bubblegum Club for making a difference to their lives.
A very Happy Christmas from Santa and the Elves (Bubbles, Tinsel, Fairy Princess and Rasher) and all at The Bubblegum Club see you all again next Christmas.