Their families got to come along for the ride, and we received some amazing thank you letters from them recently. You can see some excerpts from the letters below:
From Annette, mother of Martin:
“…it all started with a phone call from Trish (an SNA from Martin’s school) asking me did I think Martin would like to go to a JLS concert in Dublin on Saturday night. Being aware of Martin’s love for music and how quickly he’s approaching his teenage years, despite his difficulties, I’m sure if Martin could walk, talk or do things as any “normal” 12 year old would do, he’d jump at the opportunity, so I went ahead and said “Yes!”

“The Bubblegum Club contacted the Kolbe school to send two of the kids and their families to see the best looking band around, JLS in the O2 in Dublin. We were so delighted at the opportunity as Jade loves their music.”
“Peter arranged for Jade and her friend Martin to meet JLS who I have to say were a really lovely gentle bunch of lads. They had a lot of time for the kids and took the time to have their photos taken and to sign autographs – thanks lads! Jade was smiling from ear to ear when they bent down to say hello to her – we think she had a soft spot for Aston, as she held his hand for the photos. We were then taken to the VIP lounge where we had a beautiful meal…all the staff were really lovely, we truly can’t speak higher about everyone on the night. The O2 is really well equipped for wheelchairs which makes life so much easier.”
“The concert was a great success and a great night was had by us all and it was such a lovely treat for us. Through fundraising, the Bubblegum Club can put a smile on many more little faces and it is so worth it. As we can all appreciate, times they are a-changing and times are tough, but there is nothing more precious in this world than a smile on a child’s face – you just cannot put a price on that. There are so many ways we can do this, just spreading the word for a start, maybe walk that marathon or do that parachute jump you always wanted to do – get sponsored and feel good about doing something for someone else that is less fortunate than you. Buy some cards, you know every little helps. We have experienced firsthand what these charities can do for our children so go on and give someone a chance to enjoy an opportunity like this.”
“Peter is giving his time, but he cannot do it without help from the rest of us. Jade and her mammy and daddy would like to send a heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in the night and a special thanks to Peter and the Bubblegum Club who are continuing their quest to put a smile on as many people as they can.”